Welcome to the Center for Green Economy!

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What we believe in
Elevating Sustainability, Inspiring Excellence:
Our Commitment, Your Future

Who we are

In the essence of our team's commitment to sustainability, we combine expertise and ethical values, shaping a journey defined by dedication, innovation, and a pursuit of excellence

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What we do

Our dynamic team, driven by expertise and a shared commitment to excellence, thrives on challenges. Together, we create innovative solutions, fostering a culture of growth, collaboration, and success

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Sustainable Solutions, Expertise Unleashed.

Empower your business with our comprehensive range of services, seamlessly integrating expertise in green economy, sustainable development, and cutting-edge technologies.

CO₂ management at company and product level
Companies effectively managing CO2 emissions can anticipate a potential competitive advantage in the market
ESG performance management
Companies, to gain a competitive edge, align with global supply chains, and secure funding, need a well-defined ESG strategy
Calculation of GHG emissions - CO₂
(Scope 1, Scope 2, Scope 3)
We calculate CO2 emissions following the GHG Protocol, prioritizing relevance, completeness, and transparency principles
Energy management
Elevate your business with our Energy Management services for strategic consulting, efficiency audits, and sustainable practices
Non-financial reporting
For a sustainability report mirroring global leaders, the Center helps choose guidelines, standards, and ESG indicators
Waste management
The Center offers expert waste management consulting, including GIS optimization, education, projects, compliance, and innovations
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Our founders and partners